teaching writing
Jones, S. et al (2018) Multilingual Minds: the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Newcomer Children and Young People in Northern Ireland and the role of the Education Authority Youth Service
Dunn, J. & Sweeney, T., (2018) Writing and iPads in the early years: Perspectives from within the classroom
Writing is a complex and effortful activity and recent surveys indicate that fewer children are enjoying writing or engaging in […]

Purdy, N., Ballentine, M., Lyle, H., Orr, K., Symington, E., Webster, D., York, L., (2023) Growing Up Online: Children’s online activities, harm and safety in Northern Ireland – an Evidence Report.
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Jones, Sharon (2023) The Shortest Way Home? A Geo-critical return to CS Lewis’s Prince Caspian
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