This academic year, the PGCE team have developed and employed a new model of school collaboration and partnership, through the identification of Professional Learning Hubs. From September, for a period of five weeks, the PGCE cohort of students have been visiting settings and observing high quality classroom practice at both Nursery level, and in Special School provision.
Mrs Claire MacDonald, Vice Principal of Harberton Special School, had this to say about the new setup:
“We were delighted to host Stranmillis University College teaching students on placement during the first half of this term. Students observed first-hand the day-to-day operations in a SEN environment working closely with staff, and, had the opportunity to engage with pupils who have a wide range of Special Education Needs. This was an invaluable professional development opportunity for the students, with both Stranmillis students and Harberton staff giving very positive feedback on this experience. It was a great opportunity for us to meet the aspiring teachers of the future and provide them with an insight into working in Special Education. We look forward to continuing our very successful partnership with Stranmillis University College.”
Stephanie Gillespie, Principal of Shaftebsbury NS, too enjoyed the experience of working with the PGCE students. She led professional workshops focusing on the areas of quality play, outdoor play provision, special provision at Nursery and working with parents:
“It was a delight to connect with the Stranmillis PGCE students over the last three weeks. Their openness to ongoing reflection and learning made it a mutually positive professional development experience. We reflected on issues pertinent to delivering a high-quality play-based early years learning experience. Discussions included progression in play-based learning, effective planning and assessment in nursery and a consideration of how critical good interactions are to ensuring a child’s emotional development and early learning. Shaftesbury Nursery School has recently opened a Specialist Provision Early Years Foundation Stage unit (SPEYF). The PGCE students had opportunity to learn firsthand how SEN provision in mainstream schools is developing and how to engage with this. It was a pleasure to have the Stranmillis PGCE students at Shaftesbury and I look forward to continuing to strengthen this ongoing partnership.
Students also valued the new partnership model;
“From start to finish, the staffing team at Harberton made us feel so welcome. The guidance from the teaching staff helped to clarify what it really means to be a teacher for children with Special Educational Needs. Their passion and commitment to the individual needs of the children goes above and beyond. We really enjoyed the time we got to spend at Harberton on placement!”
They continued that “we thoroughly enjoyed the play workshops delivered by Stephanie Gillespie, principal of Shaftesbury Nursery. It was great to have the opportunity to receive valuable advice from someone who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the early years sector. The play workshops were extremely beneficial in preparing us for our first placement in a nursery setting.”
The PGCE cohort are now out on Nursery placement and are looking forward to their next Professional Learning Hub at St Anne’s Primary School Finaghy, where Foundation Stage will be the focus.
Written by Dr Andrea Doherty