A specialist, education-focused university college of Queens University Belfast (part of the prestigious Russell Group of research intensive universities - Stranmillis University College has been driving and shaping pedagogy and educational policy and practice for over a century. Our research and scholarship is internationally recognised and is shaping classroom practice nationally and internationally. That research also shapes the career-long postgraduate and professional development programmes we offer, providing innovative and engaging professional learning pathways to enhance the skills, competencies and professional development of teachers and education-related professionals.
Doctorate Programme
The Doctorate in Educational Professional Practice is designed for ambitious and inquisitive education professionals with a vision to make a real and lasting impact on educational practice, the Doctorate in Educational Professional Practice provides working professionals with the opportunity to delve into the complex world of educational practice, guided by experienced researchers who understand the reality of contemporary real-world educational settings.
Masters Programme
Stranmillis offers a range of pathways for M-level study, from the highly flexible MEd General Studies which allows students to choose and mix (from any of the Masters pathways) the modules most relevant for their professional development, specific areas of interest or school needs to more specialised pathways such as:
Postgraduate Certificate (Education) Programmes
These specialist M-level programmes, provide students with the opportunity to start their postgraduate journey, focusing on specific skills and competancies or areas of practice. Students undertake two 30 CAT taught modules, which are generally studied over one year. On completion of any of the postgraduate certificate programmes, students have the option to continue their studies and finish a full Masters degree.
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Education Studies
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Pastoral Care
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Master of Teaching
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Early Childhood Studies
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Autism Studies
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Digital Skills
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): STEM Education
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Leading Skills Development
Postgraduate Certificate (Education): Blended Learning
Professional Development Short Courses
Building on our research and practitioner areas of expertise, with our Postgraduate and Professional Development team works with school and college leaders to create and deliver bespoke co-designed professional development programmes to address the specific needs and issues of the school sand its staff. We also offer a range of short courses including:
Post Qualifying Leadership (PQL), a 6 x unit programme (10 weeks per unit) specifically designed to support new and aspiring leaders in schools, Further Education Colleges and other educational settings to deliver whole school improvement.
Classroom Assistants Programme, a one-year course that aims to build confidence within classroom support teams by focusing on the development of the child’s wellbeing and social learning skills. Understanding how to mentor the individual child with needs while working with the teacher to develop new cognitive skills is a core part of the course.
An Introduction to Special Educational Needs is a ten-week course is an exciting opportunity for educational professionals and parents to come together to learn more about a range of common special educational needs (SEN).