School-based Work
Information and Guides

School-Based Work

The School-based Work webpages are designed to provide you with the relevant information and guidance on the school-based work module for each ITE programme and year group including:

  • A Guide to school-based work, which includes grade indicators and teaching requirements
  • Module guides
  • Information for host teachers

Please click on the link below for the relevant pathway. If you need any further information, or have a query, which is not covered by these guides, please email

PathwayPlacement StartPlacement EndEaster closure
BEd Primary
BEd Post-Primary
SEN specialist placement
PGCE Early Years
Primary Placements

Primary Placements

Guidance and information for schools hosting BEd Primary placement students

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Post-primary placements

Post-primary placements

Guidance and information for schools hosting BEd Post-primary placement students

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SEN placements

SEN placements

Guidance and information for schools hosting BEd students in an SEN environment

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PGCE (Early Years) placements

PGCE (Early Years) placements

Guidance and information for schools hosting PGCE (Early Years) placement students

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