Our Experts

Prof Noel Purdy OBE

General Information

Teaching Responsibilities

  • D Prof Coordinator of module ‘Systemic Approaches to Education and Professional Practice
  • M Ed Coordinator of module EDC9075 ‘International Perspectives on Bullying’
  • B Ed Tutor on module SES3041 ‘Contemporary Issues in Pastoral Care’

External Interests / Community Service

  • Editor of Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Taylor and Francis)
  • Trustee and member of National Executive Committee, National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE)
  • Member of Steering Committee, Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCoTENS)
  • Co-chair of Northern Ireland Working Group, Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA)
  • Elected Member of UK-wide Advisory Group, Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA)
  • Parent Representative on Board of Governors, Tor Bank Special School, Dundonald (2014 – present)
  • Trustee, Dr Éamon Phoenix Foundation
  • Member of Board of Education, Church of Ireland (Northern Ireland)
  • Member of the Advisory Council of the Church of Ireland Centre, Dublin City University Institute of Education
  • Member of the Governing Council of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Dublin

Research Interests

  • Pastoral Care in Education
  • Bullying in Schools
  • Educational underachievement
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Initial Teacher Education
  • History of Education

Background & Qualifications

  • Teacher in two NI post-primary schools 1996-2003
  • BA Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge 1995
  • PGCE, Queen’s University, Belfast 1996
  • M Ed, Queen’s University, Belfast 2001
  • MA (Ed.) Open University 2003
  • PhD Queen’s University, Belfast
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2009
  • Fellow of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education 2012
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2014
  • Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute 2019
  • OBE for services to education, King’s Birthday Honours 2024

Research & Scholarship

Reports for Government

Department of Education (2022) Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying Ireland’s Whole Education Approach to preventing and addressing bullying in schools. Dublin: Department of Education. Available at: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/52aaf-cinealtas-action-plan-on-bullying/ [Chair of Steering Committee]

Purdy, N., Logue, J., Montgomery, M., O’Hare, K., Redpath, J. (2021) A Fair Start: Final Report and Action Plan of the Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland Bangor: Department of Education.  Available at: https://www.education-ni.gov.uk/publications/fair-start-final-report-action-plan

Journal Articles

Purdy, N., Scheithauer, H., Harris, J., Willems, R.A., Mameli, C., Guarini. A., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Culbert, C., Hamilton, J., Völlink, T., Ballentine, M., Fiedler, N. & Smith, P.K., (2024) ‘The Development of a Multi-Dimensional Coding System to Categorise Negative Online Experiences Including Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Adolescents with Lower Socioeconomic Status’.  International Journal of Developmental Science. vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 141-155 https://content.iospress.com/articles/international-journal-of-developmental-science/dev240360 https://doi.org/10.3233/DEV-240360

McClelland, D. & Purdy, N. (2023). “Back to the future: Contemporary lessons from a century of learning at Arellian, Ireland’s oldest nursery”. Irish Journal of Education, 47(3), 6-19. www.erc.ie/IJE/special-issues

Purdy, N., Hall, K., Khanolainen, D. & Galvin, C. (2023) ‘Reframing Teacher Competencies around Inclusion, Equity, and Social Justice:  towards an alternative values-centred model of Teacher Education’. European Journal of Teacher Education (Special Issue), 46(5), 755-771. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2023.2288556

Willems, R.A., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Völlink, T, Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Mameli, C., Guarini. A. (2023) ‘Internet Use and Perceived Parental Involvement among Adolescents from Lower Socioeconomic Groups in Europe: An Exploration’.  Children 10 (11), 1780. https://doi.org/10.3390/children10111780

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Addressing Educational Disadvantage in Northern Ireland 1921-2021: a history of squandered opportunities?’ Irish Educational Studies (Special Issue), 41 (3), 457-471 https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2022.2085762

Mameli, C., Menabò, L., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Culbert, C., Hamilton, J., Scheithauer, H., Smith, P.K., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A., Purdy, N., Guarini, A. (2022) ‘Stay safe and strong: Characteristics, roles and emotions of student-produced comics related to cyberbullying’. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(14): 8776 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9324025/  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19148776

Clarke, L., Galvin, C., Campbell, M., Cowan, P., Hall, K., Magennis, G. O’Doherty, T., Purdy, N. & Abbott, L. (2021) ‘Assessing the value of SCOTENS as a cross-border professional learning network in Ireland using the Wenger–Trayner value-creation framework’, Oxford Review of Education, 47 (1) 79-97.  DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2020.1835624

Purdy, N. (2021) “Pastoral care in challenging times: embracing the opportunity of change” [Editorial], Pastoral Care in Education, 39:1, 1-3, https://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2021.1880056

O’Toole, L., McClelland, D., Forde, D., O’Keefe, S., Purdy, N., Säfström, CA, Walsh, T. (2021 published online) ‘Contested childhoods across borders and boundaries: Insights from curriculum provisions in Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State in the 1920s’. British Educational Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3708

York, L., MacKenzie, A., and Purdy, N. (2021 in press) ‘Attitudes to Sexting Amongst Post-Primary Pupils in Northern Ireland: a Liberal Feminist Approach’. Gender and Education.

York, L., MacKenzie, A. and Purdy, N. (2021 in press) ‘The Challenges and Opportunities of Conducting PhD Participatory Action Research on Sensitive Issues: Young People and Sexting’. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education.

Purdy, N. & Spears, B. (2020) ‘Coparticipatory approaches to research with children and young people’ (Editorial), Pastoral Care in Education, 38:3, 187190, https://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2020.1788816

Hamilton, J., Purdy, N., Willems, R., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Fiedler, N., Guarini, A., Mameli, C., Menin, D., Scheithauer, H., Völlink, T. (2020) ‘Using the Quality Circle approach to empower disadvantaged youth in addressing cyberbullying among adolescents: An exploration across five European countries’, Pastoral Care in Education (Special Issue), vol.38, issue 3, pp. 254-272 https://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2020.1788127

Purdy, N., Hunter, J. and Totton, L. (2020) ‘Examining the legacy of the Warnock Report in Northern Ireland: a Foucauldian genealogical approach’. British Educational Research Journal (published online) DOI: 10.1002/berj.3604

Warwick, D. and Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Cartoons as visual representations of the development of primary school children’s understanding of bullying behaviours’ in Pastoral Care in Education, 37,3, 257-275.

Clarke, L., Abbott, L., Campbell, M., Cowan, P., Galvin, C., Hall, K., Magennis, G., Purdy, N. (2018) ‘Stories from an Ongoing Conversation: SCoTENS as a forum for sustaining cross-border cooperation for teacher education’. The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland. Vol 13. pp. 79-90.

Purdy, N. (2018) “Warnock and Northern Ireland: time to break free from the Slough of Despond”. Support for Learning – Special Issue.  Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14679604/homepage/warnockvirtualissue

Purdy, N. (2016) The Addressing Bullying in Schools (Northern Ireland) Bill and Act 2016. Education Law Journal, 17, 3, 164-172.

Purdy, N. and Smith, P.K. (2016) ‘A content analysis of school anti-bullying policies in Northern Ireland’. Educational Psychology in Practice, 32, 3, 281-295.

Purdy, N. and York, L. (2016) ‘A critical investigation of the nature and extent of cyberbullying in two post-primary schools in Northern Ireland’. Pastoral Care in Education, 34, 1, 13-23.

Purdy, N. and McGuckin, C. (2015) ‘Cyberbullying, Schools and the Law: A comparative study in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland’. Educational Research, 57, 4, 420-436.

Purdy, N. and Meneely, H. (2015): ‘Good news for the poor? – A case study of church and school collaboration in inner-city Belfast‘, Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 33, 3, 147-153.

Purdy, N. and McGuckin, C. (2015) ‘Disablist Bullying: giving a voice to student teachers’, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 15, 202-210.

Purdy, N. and McGuckin, C. (2014) ‘Disablist Bullying in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: An investigation of student teachers’ knowledge, experience, and confidence’, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 29, 4, 446-456.

Purdy, N. and Mc Guckin, C. (2013), ‘Treating ignorance with ignorance: A cross-border Irish study of student teachers’ knowledge, experience, and confidence in dealing with disablist bullying’, Trinity Education Papers, vol. 2, no.2, 36-51. ISSN: 2009-6003. (Edited by Fiona Smyth and Michael Shevlin.) Trinity College, Dublin.

Purdy, N. and Ferguson, J. (2012) ‘Newcomer pupils: facing up to the cultural and linguistic challenges’, Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, vol. 3, 31-41.

Gibson, K. and Purdy, N. (2012) ‘Reflect-Select-Defend: a model for student teacher reflection’, Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, vol. 3, 14-30.

McKenzie, L. and Purdy, N. (2010) ‘An evaluation of a programme of diversity visits for student teachers in Northern Ireland’, Intercultural Education, 21, 5, 415-427.

Fisher, A., Russell, K., MacBlain, S. F., Purdy, N., Curry, A. and MacBlain, A. D. (2010) ‘Re-examining the culture of learning in ITE: engaging with the new demands of the 21st. century’, Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, 2, 1, 92-102.

Purdy, N., Siberry, L., Beale, G. (2010) ‘Primary Languages in Northern Ireland: too little too late?’, Language Learning Journal, 38, 2, 149-158.

Purdy, N. (2009) ‘The attitudes of male student teachers towards a career in special education’, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 24,3,323-330.

Purdy, N. & Morrison, H. (2009) ‘Cognitive neuroscience and education: unravelling the confusion’, Oxford Review of Education, 35, 1, 99-109.

Purdy, N. (2008) ‘Neuroscience and Education: how best to filter out the neurononsense from our classrooms’, Irish Educational Studies,27,3,197-208.

Purdy, N. & Gibson, K. (2008) ‘Alternative Placements in Initial Teacher Education: An Evaluation’, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 2076-2086.

Research Reports

York, L., Lyle, H., Purdy, N. and Ballentine, M. (2024) Spotlight Report on Parents and Carers (Growing up Online) Belfast: Stranmillis University College/Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland. Available at: https://onlinesafetyhub.safeguardingni.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/602d1c34-3818-4049-959e-283ade2cdafd-upload_resource-Growing-Up-Online-Spotlight-Report-on-Parents-and-Carers.pdf

Purdy, N., Walsh, G., Orr, K., Rowan, A., Symington, E., Winter, F. (2024) Transfer Talks – a mixed methods exploration of the impact of the non-testing year of post-primary transfer on children, parents and educators in Northern Ireland. Stranmillis University College/CREU and Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland. https://www.stran.ac.uk/research-paper/2024-transfer-talks/

Orr, K., Symington, E., Purdy, N. (2023) BOOSTing children’s literacy and numeracy: Exploring the BOOST intervention’s potential in primary school classrooms.  Stranmillis University College/CREU.

Orr, K., Symington, E. and Purdy, N. (2023). THRiVE: Learning from a Learning Partnership.  Belfast: CREU/Barnardo’s.

Purdy, N., Ballentine, M., York, L. (2023) Spotlight Report on Cyberbullying (Growing up Online) Belfast: Stranmillis University College/Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland. Available at: https://onlinesafetyhub.safeguardingni.org/growing-up-online-childrens-online-activities-harm-and-safety-in-northern-ireland-an-evidence-report/#cyberbullying

Purdy, N., Ballentine, M., Lyle, H., Orr, K., Symington, E., Webster, D., York, L. (2023) Growing up Online: Children’s online activities, harm and safety in Northern Ireland – an Evidence Report.  Belfast: Stranmillis University College/Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland.  Available at: https://www.stran.ac.uk/growing-up-online-in-ni/

Fitzpatrick, C., Loader, R., McCartney, S., McConnell, B., McMullen, J., Murray, C., Orr, K., Purdy, N., Simms, V. (2023) The Consequences of the Cuts to Education for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland.  Ulster University, Stranmillis University College, Queen’s University, Belfast, Newcastle University.  Available at: https://www.stran.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/The-Consequences-of-the-Cuts-to-Education-for-Children-and-Young-People-in-Northern-Ireland-Final.pdf

Purdy, N. Walsh, G., Orr, K., Millar, A., Ballentine, M. (2023) Testing Times: Northern Ireland School Transfer without Tests in 2021. Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement, Stranmillis University College.

Purdy, N. Gibson, K., Orr, K., Tsang, K. (2022) Perceptions of Level 4 & 5 Qualifications in Northern Ireland, Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement, Stranmillis University College

Bloomer, S., Purdy, N. Gibson, K., Orr, K. (2022) The Assessment of Vocational Education and Training Qualifications: a review of European policy and practice. Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement (CREU), Stranmillis University College

Purdy, N., Harris, J., and Winter, F. (2022) Beyond the Stereotype: Approaches to Educational (Under)achievement in the Controlled Sector in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis University College & Transferor Representatives’ Council

Purdy, N., Finn, P., McDade, B., Harris, J. and Winter, F. (2021) Loyalist and Republican Perspectives on Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement, Stranmillis University College.

Purdy, N., Harris, J., Dunn, J., Gibson, K., Jones, S., McKee, B., McMullen, J., Walsh, G., and Ballentine, M. (2021) Northern Ireland Survey of Parents/Carers on Home-Schooling during the Covid-19 Crisis: 2021, Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement

Harris, J., Purdy, N., Cummins, B., Rogers, C., McKenzie, H., McMenemy, R., Winter, F. (2020), What’s the (Gender) Difference?: Views on Male Primary Teachers from Three Controlled Primary School Communities. Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement, Stranmillis University College

Henderson, L., Harris, J., Purdy, N. and Walsh, G. (2020) Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland: Evidence Summary. Stranmillis University College, Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement

Purdy, N., Beck, G., McClelland, O’Hagan, C., Totton, L., Harris, J., (2019) Too Little, Too Late: The views of parents/carers on their child’s experiences of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) process in mainstream schools. Belfast, UK: NICCY

Book chapters

Purdy, N. (2024). ‘Rethinking the Priorities for Inclusion in the Northern Ireland Education System’, in Gerry Czerniawski, Sharon Jones, Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Victoria Pugh & Weipeng Yang (Eds.) Curriculum in a Changing World: 50 think pieces on education policy, practice, innovation and inclusion.  BERA Publications. [pp. 75-78]

Galvin, C., Purdy, N., Revyakina, E., Madalińska-Michalak, J., Winter, F. (2024 in press) “In Search of Teacher Professionalism in a Time of Polycrisis: Why Teacher Resilience Matters and What it Could Look Like” in Joanna Madalińska-Michalak & Maria Assunção Flores (Eds.) Teacher and School Resilience in an Era of Risk and Uncertainty. Palgrave Macmillan.

Purdy, N., Hall, K., Khanolainen, D. and Galvin, C. (2023) ‘Teacher Quality Driven by Equity and Social Justice:  Arguments for an Alternative Values-Centred Vision of Teacher Education’, in J. Madalinska-Michalak (ed.) Quality in Teaching and Teacher Education: International Perspectives from a Changing World. Leiden, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV. [Chapter 3, pp.50-71].

Galvin, C., Kampylis, P., Nic Craith, D., Madalińska-Michalak, J. and Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Mobilising Policy to Reframe Teaching and Teacher Education in Europe: the European Commission’s emerging role within the Teacher Quality Agenda’ in J. Madalinska-Michalak (ed.) Quality in Teaching and Teacher Education: International Perspectives from a Changing World. Leiden, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV. [Chapter 14: pp304-328].

Webster, D. and Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Safeguarding Children and Young People in a Digital World: Addressing the Challenges’ [ch.16] in D. Trotman, N. Purdy and P. Jones (Eds.) Pastoral Care in Education: Time for Change. Cambridge Scholars. [pp251-270]

Purdy, N. and Spears, B. (2023) ‘Co-participatory Research Methods in Pastoral Care: Lessons from two case studies’ [ch.11] in D. Trotman, N. Purdy and P. Jones (Eds.) Pastoral Care in Education: Time for Change. Cambridge Scholars. [pp210-228]

Purdy, N., Dunn, J. and McClelland, D. (2022) ‘Building Positive Relationships with Children and Parents’ in Primary Teaching Primary Teaching: An exploration of learning and teaching in primary schools today – 2nd edition (Edited by Catherine Carden) London: Sage/Learning Matters. [ch.16, pp303-314] see https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/primary-teaching/book260314

Purdy, N. and McClelland, D. (2022) ‘A focus on provision for ECEC in Northern Ireland 1921-2021’ [chapter 11] in T. Walsh and N. Hayes (eds.) Early Childhood Education and Care in Ireland: Charting a Century of Developments (1921-2021). Dublin: Peter Lang.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘School Policies, Leadership and School Climate’ in P.K. Smith and J. O’Higgins-Norman (Eds) Handbook of Bullying, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell (Volume 2, chapter 14, pp.260-277).

Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A-L., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R. (2021) ‘Using focus groups and quality circles to enable pupil voice in European teenagers from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds’ [book chapter] in L. Schiamberg and M. Wright (Eds.) Child and Adolescent Exposure to Online Risks, Elsevier. (pp.403-423).

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘School Policies, Leadership and School Climate’ in Peter K Smith and James O’Higgins Norman (Eds.) Handbook of Bullying. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell [book chapter – forthcoming]

Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A-L., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R. (2020) ‘Using focus groups and quality circles to enable pupil voice in European teenagers from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds’ [book chapter] in L. Schiamberg and M. Wright (Eds.) Child and Adolescent Exposure to Online Risks, Elsevier.

Purdy, N., Dunn, J. and McClelland, D. (2018) ‘Building Positive Relationships with Children and Parents’ in Primary Teaching Primary Teaching: An exploration of learning and teaching in primary schools today (Edited by Catherine Carden) London: Sage/Learning Matters.

Purdy, N. and Boddison, A. (2018) ‘Special educational needs and inclusion’ [Unit 6.2] in Teresa Cremin and Cathy Burnett (Eds.) Learning to Teach in the Primary School (4th edition). London: Routledge.


Trotman, D., Jones, P., Purdy, N. and Tucker, S. (eds.) (2023) Pastoral Care in Education: New Directions for New Times.  Cambridge Scholars.

Purdy, N. (ed.) (2013) Pastoral Care in Schools 11-16: A Critical Introduction, London: Bloomsbury.

Conference papers

Purdy, N. (2024) “Teacher professionalism and morally-compassed teacher resilience”.  Symposium paper presentation at the 65th World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. 13-15th June 2024.

Galvin, C., Madalińska-Michalak, J., Purdy, N. and Revyakina, E. (2024) “In Search of Teacher Professionalism in a Time of Polycrisis: Why Teacher Resilience Matters”.  Paper Presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe, Bergamo, Italy. 29th May – 1st June 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘Growing Up Online in Northern Ireland’. 18th National Education Union Annual Lecture, Merchant Hotel, Belfast. 10th May 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘Lord Londonderry, Northern Ireland’s first Minister of Education: progressive visionary or deluded patrician?’ Paper Presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland 4-6th April 2024.

Purdy, N., Walsh, G., Orr, K., Symington, E., Ballentine, M., Rowan, A. and Millar, A. (2024) ‘Academic Selection in Northern Ireland: educational disadvantage and the non-testing year of post-primary transfer’. Symposium Presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland 4-6th April 2024.

Purdy, N., York, L. and Ballentine, M. (2024) ‘Growing Up Online in Northern Ireland – spotlight on cyberbullying.’ Paper Presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland 4-6th April 2024.

Orr, K., Symington, E. and Purdy, N. (2024) ‘THRiVE: reflections on a community-academic partnership to address educational disadvantage’. Symposium Presentation at the annual conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland 4-6th April 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘A Fair Start or a False Start?’ Invited Presentation at Belfast Charitable Society Conference on ‘Education and Disadvantage in North Belfast’, held at Clifton House, Belfast, 23rd February 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘Assessment of Essential Skills’.  Invited Presentation at the Department for the Economy’s ‘Essential Skills Review Progress’ Workshop and Open Discussion, held at Belfast Met Titanic Quarter, 23rd February 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) “A Fair Start for Irish Medium Education?”.  Invited Presentation at the ‘Irish Medium Research Symposium: Fair? Shared? Supported? Examining Expectations and Realities for Irish-Medium Practitioners.  Long Gallery, Stormont.  6th October 2023.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘Inclusion in Northern Ireland’ Invited Presentation as part of 5 Nations Policy challenge session – Special and Additional Education Policy.  Online Webinar for UK and Ireland researchers and government policy makers.  31st January 2024.

Purdy, N. and Walsh, T. (2024) ‘Partition and Educational Policy Divergence in the 1920s: exploring the influence of the first Minister for Education on both sides of the Irish border’.  Education Lecture delivered at the inaugural Dr Éamon Phoenix Memorial Lecture, Stranmillis University College.  30th January 2024.

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘Addressing SEN in Initial Teacher Education: Challenges and Opportunities’. Invited presentation at ‘Moving Forward Together’, DE/EA End to End Review of Special Educational Needs.  Stormont Pavilion, Belfast.  30th January 2024.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Assessing the current landscape for SEN provision in Northern Ireland’.  Invited keynote presentation at Policy Forum for Northern Ireland “Priorities for SEN provision in NI”, Thursday 7th December 2023.

Galvin, C. and Purdy, N. (2023) ‘The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCoTENS), Ireland: a social history perspective on a unique and enduring cross-border learning community’. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Economic and Social History Society of Ireland (ESHSI) Conference, Humanities Institute, University College Dublin, 17th– 18th November 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Growing Up Online’ – ‘Lunch and Learn’ online staff presentation to Education Authority Northern Ireland. 15th November 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Growing Up Online in NI research findings’.  Invited presentation to Safeguarding Board for NI Five Panels Strategic Priorities Workshop, The Junction, Dungannon. 6th November 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying 2022’ Online Presentation for #Take20Talk (Anti-Bullying Alliance UK). 25th October 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Promoting Inclusion in Education and Teacher Education: Reflections on Progress in Ireland North and South’.  Presentation at Annual SCoTENS conference, Lough Erne Hotel, Enniskillen. 19-20th October 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Addressing Developmental Language Disorder in Initial Teacher Education: Challenges and Opportunities’ Presentation at Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists’ Spotlight Event on DLD, Long Gallery, Stormont. 17th October 2023.

Purdy, N., Walsh, G., Orr, K., Millar, A. and Ballentine, M. (2023) ‘Testing Times: Northern Ireland School Transfer without Tests in 2021’. Presentation at Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), Stranmillis University College, Belfast 30th March – 1st April 2023.

Orr, K., Purdy, N. Symington, E., Humphrey, C. (2023) ‘Helping Children and Young People from Disadvantaged Communities to ‘Thrive’: Learning from a ‘Learning Partnership’. Presentation at Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), Stranmillis University College, Belfast 30th March – 1st April 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) Invited Panelist for Panel Discussion. Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), Stranmillis University College, Belfast 30th March – 1st April 2023.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Addressing Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland: Towards a more Inclusive Approach’. Invited presentation at 10x in Higher Education: Effective Learning and Teaching Conference held Friday 24 March 2023 at Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

Purdy, N. (2023) ‘Key Issues facing education: an academic perspective’. Invited presentation to Department of Education SMT Planning and Development Workshop, Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

Purdy, N. (2022) “The what, where, why, who and so what of online bullying”. Keynote address at Spotlight Seminar on Online Bullying (organised by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum) La Mon Hotel & Country Club, Belfast. 15th November.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Support and Provision for children with SEN in NI – funding, provision within the classroom, workforce priorities and coordination between key stakeholders’.  Invited presentation at Policy Forum for Northern Ireland “Next Steps for SEN provision in Northern Ireland”. Online Friday 11th November.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Education Policy in Northern Ireland and Ireland: from divergence to boundary crossing opportunities’.  Invited presentation at international conference New Ways of Engagement and the International Context: Northern Ireland and Ireland (organised by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, University of Limerick and Ulster University), Clifton House, Belfast, 4th November.

McClelland, D. and Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Back to the Future: contemporary lessons from a century of learning at Arellian, Ireland’s oldest nursery school’.  Presentation delivered at the SCoTENS Annual Conference, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk (20th October).

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘A North-South comparison of education and training systems: a response to the ESRI report’.  Invited panel presentation at Shared Island Dialogue Event, Belfast Met (Titanic Quarter), Belfast 12th October 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Addressing Educational Disadvantage in Northern Ireland 1921-2021: a history of squandered opportunities’. Invited presentation at symposium on ‘Rethinking Educational Disadvantage, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland, 6th October 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘A Fair Start? Reflections on Progress’. Invited presentation at BBC NI Digital Teach Meet (online), 5 October 2022.

Purdy, N., Scheithauer, H., Willems, R. A., Smith, P.K., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Culbert, C., Hamilton, J., Völlink, T., & Harris, J. (2022) ‘Towards a new categorization model of nasty or unpleasant experiences on the internet among young people from lower socioeconomic groups in Europe’. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland, 24-27 August 2022.

Willems, R.A., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Völlink, T., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Mameli, C., Guarini, A. (2022) ‘Internet use among young people from lower socioeconomic groups in Europe’. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA), Dublin, Ireland, 24-27 August 2022.

Guarini, A., Mameli, C., Menabò, L., Brighi, A., Menin, D., Culbert, C., Hamilton, J., Scheithauer,H., Smith, P.K., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A., Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Students’ Comics to describe cyberbullying: a European Co-Participatory Project’.  Paper presentation, 26th Annual Conference of the ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development), Rhodes, Greece 19-23 June 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) Invited Panellist for National Association of Pastoral Care in Education Annual Conference (online session), 16th June 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Lessons from Northern Ireland’s legislative process’.  Invited Presentation to Steering Committee to Review the 2013 Action Plan on Bullying (Ireland – Department of Education).  14th June 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Addressing Bullying in Schools in Northern Ireland – challenges and opportunities’.  Invited Presentation to DE Working Group to Review the Anti-Bullying Procedures (Ireland –Department of Education).  29th April 2022.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘A Fair Start? A Policy Development Case Study from Northern Ireland’. Guest Lecture and Q&A to M.Ed. Psychology of Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Saturday 5th March 2022.

Marshall, D. and Purdy, N. (2022) ‘How to be an effective peer reviewer’ Online webinar for Taylor & Francis/Pastoral Care in Education 23rd February 2022.

Purdy, N. (2021) “A Fair Start – Overview and Actions” Invited presentation to the CCEA All Staff Away Day (online), Friday 17th December 2021.

Purdy, N. (2021) “A Fair Start – Final Report and Action Plan” Invited presentation to the Education & Training Inspectorate Staff Development Conference on Educational Disadvantage (online), Monday 6th December 2021.

Forde, D. and Purdy, N. (2021) ‘Contested Spaces and Special Educational Needs: Policy and Practice, Rights and Reality’, paper presented (online) at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, 30th November 2021.

Purdy, N. and Campbell, M. (2021) “Assessing the value of SCOTENS as a cross-border professional learning network in Ireland north and south”.  Workshop presentation at the UCET Annual Conference (online). 3rd November 2021.

Purdy, N. (2021) “A Fair Start” – Just another report on educational underachievement in NI? Keynote presentation to the NAHT(NI) Policy Conference, 22nd October 2021, Stormont Hotel, Belfast.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘Key Findings from the Expert Panel and priorities for addressing educational underachievement’. Invited Keynote Presentation for Policy Forum for Northern Ireland Online Conference Monday 11th October 2021. https://www.policyforumforni.co.uk/publication/Ed-Underachievement

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘The Future of Education in Northern Ireland: identifying and addressing the key challenges ahead’. Invited Panel Presentation for BBC Digital Teach Meet Wednesday 6th October 2021.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland’. Invited Panel Presentation and Discussion as part of Shared Island Dialogue on Learning from each other – the future of education on a shared island. Friday 1st October 2021.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘The Challenges and Opportunities for Education Following the Experience of the Global Pandemic’. Invited Panel Discussion for the National Association for Pastoral Care in Education Conference ‘Does Every Child Still Matter? A New Approach to Education.’ 8th July 2021.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘A Fair Start – Final Report & Action Plan of the Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland’.  Invited presentation to Minister, Permanent Secretary and all Department of Education staff (webinar), 22nd June.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘The Future of Education – perspectives from Northern Ireland’.  Invited panel presentation and Q&A discussion at Annual UK Conference for Community Voice (Union) Saturday 19th June 2021.  https://www.voicetheunion.org.uk/events/voice-section-conference-2021-virtual

O’Toole, L., McClelland, D., Forde, D., O’Keefe, S., Purdy, N., Säfström, CA, Walsh, T. (2021) ‘Contested childhoods across borders and boundaries.’ Online webinar. 21st April 2021.

Purdy, N., Beck, G., McClelland, D., O’Hagan, C., Totton, L., Harris, J. (2021) ‘The views of parents/carers on their child’s experience of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) process in mainstream schools in Northern Ireland’ Presentation at Annual Conference of Educational Studies Association of Ireland (online) 26th March.

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Addressing Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland: The work of the ministerial Expert Panel’. Presentation given at the Stranmillis CREU Webinar International Perspectives on Educational Underachievement. Thursday 12th November 2020.

Warwick, D. and Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Cartoons as visual representations of the development of primary school children’s understanding of bullying behaviours’. Concise Presentation/Poster at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference (online) 16th September 2020.

Purdy N., Hamilton J., Rowan, A., Smith P.K., Culbert C., Scheithauer H., Fiedler N., Brighi A., Mameli C., Guarini A., Menin D., Völlink T., Willems R.A. (2020) ‘Blurred Lives Project – a crossnational, coparticipatory exploration of cyberbullying, young people and socioeconomic disadvantage: initial findings’. Paper presented at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference (online) 46th September 2020.

Harris, J. Henderson, L., Purdy, N., Walsh G.(2020) ‘Educational Underachievement in Northern Ireland: an Evidence Summary’. Paper presented at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference (online) 46th September 2020.

Clarke, L., Campbell, M., Cowan, P., Galvin, C., Hall, K., and Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Teacher Education Networks across a contentious border in the island of Ireland –the case of SCoTENS’. Presentation given at the 17th Annual SCoTENS Conference, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 17-18th October 2019.

Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Rip it up and start again’: Addressing the implications for school leadership and Initial Teacher Education of the Challenges facing the SEN System in Northern Ireland. Presentation given at the 17th Annual SCoTENS Conference, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 17-18th October 2019.

Clarke, L., Campbell, M., Cowan, P., Galvin, C., Hall, K., and Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Teacher Education Networks across a contentious border in the island of Ireland –the case of SCoTENS’. Presentation given at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, September 2019.

Purdy N., Hamilton J., Rowan, A., Smith P.K., Culbert C., Scheithauer H., Fiedler N., Brighi A., Mameli C., Guarini A., Menin D., Völlink T., Willems R.A. (2019) ‘Blurred Lives Project. A cross-national, co-participatory exploration of cyberbullying, young people and socio-economic disadvantage’. Presentation given at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP), Athens, August 2019.

Purdy, N. (2019) “A participatory approach to prevent cyberbullying along socially disadvantaged students in secondary school”. Invited presentation at the international colloquium on “Prevenire il bullismo e il cyberbullismo e promuovere il benessere a scuola”, at the Freie Universität Bozen/Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy (18-19 June).

Purdy, N. (2019) “The Blurred Lives Project: initial findings and ongoing analysis”. Invited research paper at University of Brighton, 15th May 2019.

Purdy, N., Hunter, J. and Totton, L. (2019) ‘Examining the legacy of the Warnock Report in Northern Ireland: a Foucauldian genealogical approach’, paper presented at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference, St Angela’s College and Radisson Blu Hotel, Sligo, 11-13 April.

Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge’, invited panel presentation at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference, St Angela’s College and Radisson Blu Hotel, Sligo, 11-13 April.

Clarke, L., Campbell, M., Cowan, P., Galvin, C., Hall, K., and Purdy, N. (2019) ‘The value of a cross-border professional learning network in Ireland – from the Good Friday Agreement to Brexit: looking backward to look forward’, paper presented at the Education Studies Association of Ireland annual conference, St Angela’s College and Radisson Blu Hotel, Sligo, 11-13 April.

Purdy, N. (2018) “The churches and underachievement” –  presentation to the Executive Committee of Irish Council of Churches, 13th Sept 2018, Duncairn Centre, Belfast.

Purdy, N. (2018) “Bullying among children with disabilities”. Invited presentation at Conference on Pathways to Prevention and Intervention against Violence in Schools and for the Promotion of Well-Being (Prevenire i Fenomeni di Aggressività e Promuovere il Benessere a Scuola). University of Bologna, 19-20 June 2018.

Purdy, N. and Galvin, C. (2018) ‘The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCoTENS), Ireland: a social history.’ Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, 14th April 2018.

Purdy, N. (2018) “A Critical Review of Anti-Bullying Developments in Northern Ireland”. Invited Presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Bullying, 5th February 2018 1.00 pm – Committee Room 19, House of Commons.

Campbell, M., Clarke, L., Cowan, P., Galvin, C., Hall, K., Magennis, G., O’Doherty, T., Purdy, N. (2017) “A Wengerian value-creation framework analysis of the SCoTENS project: reflections on learning and boundary-crossing in evolving landscapes of practice”. Paper presented at the ESAI Annual Conference 20-22 April, Cork.

Purdy, N. (2017)  « Le harcèlement scolaire : exemple de l’Irlande du Nord » Paper presented at L’ESPE Val de Loire, Orléans, France 30th March.

Purdy, N. (2017) ‘The future challenges for education in shaping the future of relationships: within, across and beyond these islands’, invited panel presentation at ‘Building and Maintaining Relationships: Within, Across and Beyond these Islands, the Annual Conference of the Centre for Cross Border Studies, Armagh, 23-24th February 2017.

Purdy, N. (2016) ‘Bullying in Schools: legislation, policy and conceptual confusion’. Paper presented at the BERA conference, 13-15th September 2016, University of Leeds.

Purdy, N. (2016) ‘What do we know about bullying?’ Presentation given at VOYPIC [Voices of Young People in Care] Workshop/Conference on Understanding Bullying and the Looked After Child held in The Duncairn Centre, Belfast  27th June 2016.

Purdy, N. and Meneely, H. (2016) “Good news for the poor? – A case study of church and school collaboration in inner-city Belfast. Research presentation given at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch, Carlingford, 4th March 2016.

Purdy, N. and McGuckin, C. (2015) Cyberbullying, Schools and the Law: A comparative study in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Presentation at British Educational Research Conference, Belfast, 16th September, 2015.

Purdy, N. and McGuckin, C. (2015) Cyberbullying, Schools and the Law: A comparative study in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Presentation at European Educational Research Conference, Budapest, 8th September, 2015.

Purdy, N. (2015) ‘Understanding School Bullying’. Guest presentation to Education and Training Inspectorate (Training Conference), Canal Court Hotel, Newry. 4th September, 2015.

Scholarly Publications and Blogs

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘SEN in Northern Ireland: ‘If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere’ Times Educational Supplement 26th June 2024 Available at https://www.tes.com/magazine/analysis/general/sen-northern-ireland-if-we-winter-this-one-out-we-can-summer-anywhere

Purdy, N. (2024) ‘NI education ‘second to none in any portion of the world’? Times Educational Supplement 15th May 2024 Available at: https://www.tes.com/magazine/analysis/general/northern-ireland-education-crisis-hope

Purdy, N., Orr, K., Symington, E., York, L. and Webster, D. (2023) ‘Growing Up Online’ The Late, Late Show with Paul Hazzard on Teachers’ Talk Radio. Podcast 12th October 2023.  Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9Txtpcpflc&ab_channel=TeachersTalkRadio

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Addressing Bullying – The Addressing Bullying in Schools Act’.  The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland podcast.  Released 17th November.  Available at https://open.spotify.com/episode/1r71bf8XrWQ0nmPUWx2vgs

Purdy, N. (2022) Foreword to the Report of the Review of School Leader Workload Impact on School Leaders (part of The Workforce Review Project).  Bangor: Department of Education Northern Ireland.

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘Northern Ireland’s Education Attainment Gap’.  Podcast for Pivotal.  Published 25th April 2022.  Available online at: https://www.pivotalppf.org/our-work/podcasts/27/northern-irelands-educational-attainment-gap

Purdy, N. (2022) ‘A Kestrel for a Knave – lessons on educational disadvantage’ CREU blog, Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/creu-blog-kestrel/ (14th April).

Purdy, N. (2022) A Kestrel for a Knave – Reflections on Pastoral Care –  Article for National Association of Pastoral Care in Education Members’ Newsletter.  Feb 2022.  Available at https://www.napce.org.uk/tag/napce-newsletter/

Purdy, N. and Harris, J. (2021) Development Proposal 574: Objection on behalf of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council. Belfast: Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘Moving Forward Together, Learning from the Past’, in Family and Community Engagement in Education – Learning from the Pandemic.  A Collection of perspectives on how responses to the COVID-19 pandemic can inform actions to tackle educational inequalities. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.  Available at https://www.equalityni.org/Footer-Links/News/Delivering-Equality/Education-%E2%80%93-Important-lessons-learned-from-the-pan

Harris, J. Purdy, N., Walsh, G. (2021) ‘Why holding a postponed, single transfer test is likely to widen educational inequalities between wealthy and poor within the current P7 cohort’. Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.  Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/why-holding-a-postponed-single-transfer-test-is-likely-to-widen-educational-inequalities/  (11 January)  This led to a BBC news article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-55640205

Purdy, N. (2021) ‘Left to their own devices…again! The enduring inequality of lockdown home-schooling’. Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.  Available at Left to their own devices…again! The enduring inequality of lockdown home-schooling | Stranmillis University College | A College of Queen’s University Belfast (7 January)

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Northern Ireland’s first education minister Lord Londonderry: Progressive visionary or naïve failure?’ Feature article in Irish News (p.29) 25th November.  Available online at https://www.irishnews.com/arts/2020/11/25/news/northern-ireland-s-first-education-minister-lord-londonderry-progressive-visionary-or-nai-ve-failure–2138689/

Purdy, N. and Hamill, A. (2020) ‘“There is no education like adversity”: learning from the positive experiences of lockdown’. Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.  Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/home-learning-no-education-like-adversity/ (8 July)

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Bridging the Lockdown Learning Gap – Part Two’.  Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.  Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/bridging-the-lockdown-learning-gap-part-two/  (11 June)

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Bridging the Lockdown Learning Gap – Part One’.  Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement.  Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/bridging-the-lockdown-learning-gap-pt1/ (10 June)

BBC (2020) Coronavirus: Executive ‘should give disadvantaged children iPads’ [article by Robbie Meredith on blog by N Purdy] Available at https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-52348643  (20 April)

Purdy, N. (2020) ‘Left to their own devices’: the inequality of homeschooling. Blog Post for Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement. Available at https://www.stran.ac.uk/left-to-their-own-devices-the-inequality-of-homeschooling/

(16th April).

Purdy, N. and Campbell, M. (2020) ‘Peacebuilding requires commitment from all sides’ (Comment Piece on SCoTENS funding).  Irish News Article, 14th January 2020.

Purdy, N. (2019) Book Review of ‘Bullying, cyberbullying and student well-being in schools: comparing European, Australian and Indian perspectives’ edited by Peter K. Smith, Suresh Sundaram, Barbara A. Spears, Catherine Blaya, Mechthild Schäfer and Damanjit Sandhu, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Pastoral Care in Education. Vol. 37, Issue 4, pp. 347-348.

Purdy, N. (2019) ‘Why banning smartphones isn’t the best way to keep your children safe online’.  Belfast Telegraph article, 26th November 2019.

Purdy, N. (2019) Book Review of ‘Bullying, cyberbullying and student well-being in schools: comparing European, Australian and Indian perspectives’ edited by Peter K. Smith, Suresh Sundaram, Barbara A. Spears, Catherine Blaya, Mechthild Schäfer and Damanjit Sandhu, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Pastoral Care in Education – published online.

Purdy, N. (2018, January) “Funding HEI research post-Brexit” in AgendaNI, Issue 86, p.120.

Purdy, N. (2017) ‘With Bullying, Take Into Account That SEN Students May Struggle To Recognise The Behaviours Involved’ (11th February) Teachwire.  Available online at http://www.teachwire.net/news/with-bullying-take-into-account-that-sen-students-may-struggle-to-recognise

Purdy, N. (2016) ‘School Bullying’, Special (NASEN periodical). November issue. pp. 14-15.

Purdy, N. (2016) ‘From Victim to Hero – Comment’. Methodist Newsletter, April issue (p.7)

Purdy, N. (2016) ‘Autism: Making a Difference Together’. Special (NASEN periodical). March issue. pp. 34-35.

Purdy, N. (2015) ‘Across the Water – an overview of the SEN scene in Northern Ireland’, Special (NASEN publication), May Issue.

Purdy, N. (2014) ‘Cyberbullying by parents and pupils takes toll on teachers’, The Conversation, published 21st April. Available online at https://theconversation.com/cyberbullying-by-parents-and-pupils-takes-toll-on-teachers-25679

Purdy, N. (2014) ‘Students teachers @twitter? #whatevernext?’, Special (NASEN publication), March Issue [pp.46-47].

Purdy, N. (2013) ‘Tackling Bullying in Schools’, UTU News – The Journal of the Ulster Teachers’ Union (September edition).

Purdy, N. (2013) ‘Time to act on danger of online bullying’, Irish News, 27th August (p.23).

Purdy, N. (2013) ‘Helping your child cope with bereavement’, Ni4kids magazine article, January issue.

Purdy, N. (2012) ‘Beating the Bullies’, Ni4kids magazine article, November issue.

Purdy, N. (2012) ‘Disablist Bullying’, Special (NASEN publication), September Issue.

Purdy, N. (2012) ‘Moving Beyond the Textbooks: Future Challenges for SEN in ITE’, Special (NASEN publication), November Issue.

Purdy, N. (2012) ‘Cyberbullying: A Parents’ Guide’, Irish Methodist Newsletter, November Issue.

Department of Education Northern Ireland (2012) Effective Teaching and Learning to Meet the Needs of More Able Learners – Resource File Chapter for Capacity Building Programme [Contributor].

Department of Education Northern Ireland (2011) Understanding and Managing Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties – Resource File Chapter for Capacity Building Programme [Contributor].

Ford, A. and Purdy, N. (2011) ‘It’s all in the clip: Using video to model tasks and prepare students with autism spectrum disorders’, Special, 35-36.

Purdy, N. (2010) ‘Stepping up to the challenge’, Special, 32-34.

Purdy, N. (2008) ‘It is not raining men: why do so few male student teachers pursue a career in special education?’, in Special, May Edition.



Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Rowan, A., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A. (2019) Summary Resources for Teachers (Intellectual Output 1 of Blurred Lives Project: a Cross-National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College. Available online at: https://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Rowan, A., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A. (2019) Summary Resources for Teachers (Extended Intellectual Output 1 of Blurred Lives Project: a Cross- National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio- Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College. Available online at: https://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R. A., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Rowan, A., Smith, P.K., & Culbert, C. (2019) Comic Book (Intellectual Output 2 of Blurred Lives Project: a Cross-National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College.  Available online at: https://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R. A., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Rowan, A., Smith, P.K., & Culbert, C. (2019) Comic Book (Extended Intellectual Output 2 of Blurred Lives Project: a Cross-National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College.  Available online at: https://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., & Rowan, A. (2019). Guidance for parents/carers (Intellectual Output 3 of the Blurred Lives Project: A Cross-National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Available online at: http://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., & Rowan, A. (2019). Resources for parents/carers (Extended Intellectual Output 3 of the Blurred Lives Project: A Cross- National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College. Available online at: http://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources

Purdy, N., Hamilton, J., Rowan, A., Smith, P.K., Culbert, C., Brighi, A., Mameli, C., Guarini, A., Menin, D., Völlink, T., Willems, R.A., Scheithauer, H., Fiedler, N., (2019) Summary Recommendations for Social Networking Site Providers (Intellectual Output 4 of Blurred Lives Project: a Cross-National Co-Participatory Exploration of Cyberbullying, Young People and Socio-Economic Disadvantage). Belfast: Stranmillis University College. Available online at: https://www.ou.nl/web/blurred-lives/resources