Zoomanji Musical Appreciation
It is important for children to experience a wide range of musical genres, where they can listen, discuss and appreciate different musical pieces. The 'Zoomanji Musical Appreciation' lesson pack contains a lesson plan, audio story-lines, a video, pieces of 'Zoomanji music' and a pupil worksheet to aid class discussion and group activities, where children can respond to different musical clips which feature in the Zoomanji film.
Lesson Plan
Zoomanji Musical Appreciation is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to listen and respond to pieces of music that feature in ‘Zoomanji’.
Children will:
Be able to recognise the different elements and characteristics of music.
- Be able to listen and respond appropriately to musical pieces.
- Be able to provide positive and constructive feedback.
Click here to download the Lesson Plan.
Nosnibor Audio 1
Nosnibor discusses the musical elements of ‘Zoomanji’ in this audio clip. As well as Claire and Charlotte’s music challenge, we hear some interesting background music being used throughout the film.
For a downloadable transcript of Nosnibor Audio 1, click here.
Introduction Video
To introduce the link between ‘music’ and ’emotion’, click here to play a video that describes how music can make us feel different emotions. This will be useful for the next part of the lesson, where children will listen and respond to pieces of music from ‘Zoomanji’.
Lesson Worksheet and Music
This worksheet accompanies the lesson, allowing children to illustrate the images which come to mind when listening to the pieces of music. Click here to download the lesson worksheet.
Click here to download ‘Claire and Charlotte’s Song’.
Click here to download ‘Nosnibor Magician Music’.
Nosnibor Audio 2
In this audio clip, Nosnibor talks about the importance of children pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone. Through challenging themselves, pupils may develop skills and abilities that they can use in the future.
For a downloadable transcript of Nosnibor Audio 2, click here.