Welcome to the Zoomanji Lesson Resource Pack.
5 children, 5 stories, 1 game. The question is… what will it take to escape?
When Betty, Claire, Charlotte, Mikey and Emily are put into a breakout room during their online class, they never imagined what would happen next! What seems to be a normal link turns out to be so much more. With one click, they are zapped into the mysterious world of Zoomanji where they meet the Mighty Nosnibor. A set of challenges must be completed in order for the children to escape and return back to their class… however there is more than meets the eye. What the children don’t know is that, in order to complete their challenges, they must overcome their greatest difficulties and use their strengths for good. But will this be enough for them to break free?
Zoomanji Teacher Notes
This document includes information and guidance about using the ‘Zoomanji Lesson Resource Pack’ in your classroom. Click here to download the Teacher Notes.
Click the link below to access the ‘Zoomanji’ short film and let the adventure begin!
Zoomanji Lesson Plans and Resources
Click on the links below to access the the additional material and lesson plans for each of the standalone Zoomanji lessons.
How Should I Respond?
How Should I Respond is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to make positive choices when responding to unkind situations.
Don’t Heat Up
Don’t Heat Up is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to understand how to self-regulate their emotions when faced with difficult situations.
Don’t Bottle Up
Don’t Bottle Up is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to talk about their feelings with people they trust, as opposed to ‘bottling up’ their emotions inside.
Positivity Puzzles
Positivity Puzzles is a lesson designed to encourage kindness in the classroom through the use of kind words and positive language.
Say No to Bullying
Say No to Bullying is a lesson designed to encourage discussion about the nature of bullying and how it can be prevented.
Agony Aunts
Agony Aunts is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to develop a sense of empathy as they write letters of advice to Charlotte.
Positive Personal Traits
Positive Personal Traits is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to think positively about themselves and those around.
Worry Trees
Worry Trees is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to make positive choices when responding to their worries.
Musical Masterpieces
Musical Masterpieces is a lesson designed to develop children’s creativity by composing and performing a piece of music in groups.
The Secret Message
The Secret Message is a lesson designed to help pupils understand that sometimes we need help from others to solve problems, and that it’s good to be able to work as part of a team.
…Oh, But What If You Fly?
…Oh, But What If You Fly? is a lesson designed to demonstrate how every pupil is unique and has the ability to be creative individually, but something very special can be created if the whole class works together!
Zoomanji Musical Appreciation
Zoomanji Musical Appreciation is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to listen and respond to pieces of music that feature in ‘Zoomanji’.
Things are Heating Up!
Things are Heating Up is a lesson designed to encourage pupils to explore the thoughts and feelings which they associate with arguments and disagreements, and relate such examples to their own lives.
There’s No ‘I’ in Team
There’s No ‘I’ in Team is a lesson designed to help children understand the importance of working with others by participating in teamwork activities.
Let’s Chat
Let’s Chat is a lesson designed to help children gain a better understanding of the Zoomanji characters by creating and asking meaningful questions.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work is a lesson designed to enable children to develop their teamwork skills through a wide range of activities.