Number and Algebra


Art Gallery

Using addition and multiplication facts to calculate the value of a picture created with natural resources



Let’s Visit ‘Six-land’

Using natural resources to explore grouping and exchanging in different number bases



Rounding Run-around

Using an outdoor number line to explore rounding (whole) numbers to the nearest 10



Fraction Gallery

Using natural resources to represent a fraction as part of a shape



Fraction Feast

Finding a (unit) fraction of a collection of natural resources



Fraction Potions

Finding a (unit and non-unit) fraction of a quantity of natural resources



Fraction Number Lines

Creating an outdoor fraction number line and using it to compare and order fractions



Fraction Leaves

Using natural resources to explore improper fractions and mixed numbers




Exploring growing patterns made with natural resources (1) – describing patterns and relationships



Star Sequence

Exploring growing patterns made with natural resources (2) – devising rules to express patterns and relationships



Tables and Chairs

Exploring growing patterns made with natural resources (3) – representing rules in symbolic form